This is your gateway to detailed information about the all Technology-Enhanced Classrooms and the technology available to support teaching and learning across campus. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive directory of TEC classrooms, complete with room dimensions, seating details, and full specifications on the AV technology and functionality in each space. Additionally, explore the listing all PC and Mac software installed in these classrooms, ensuring you have the tools needed to deliver engaging and effective instruction.
Classroom Directory
Browse a detailed list of all Technology-Enhanced Classrooms, including room size, dimensions, seating capacity and type, available technology, AV functionality, and classroom photos.
PC Software
View a complete list of PC software available in classrooms to support various teaching and learning needs.
Submit a request if you need specific software in a classroom.
Mac Software
Explore the full range of Mac software installed in classrooms for enhanced instructional capabilities.
Submit a request if you need specific software in a classroom.
Technology-Ehanced Classrooms
Clasroom PC's
Classrooms MAC's