Important Information

Here are important Do's and Don'ts for all instructors and staff who use Technology-Enhanced Classrooms. Please don't assume someone else will do these things. Your participation is needed and appreciated. Details below are for all who teach.


  • Visit the Technology-Enhanced Classroom support site for information about technology in your classroom.
  • Keep your FSU account and password secret. If others need access to classroom computers, they should login using their FSUID.
  • Log off from your classroom computer account each time you finish class so someone else can't use or abuse your account or access your information.
  • Turn off the projectors each time you end class in order to extend the life of the equipment.
  • Encourage your students to close windows and doors at the end of your class to discourage thieves and prevent bad weather from ruining rooms.
  • Help advertise to your students the "No Food and Drink in the Classroom" policy set forth by the Provost.
  • Call Space and Scheduling at (850)644-1050 (or visit to reserve a Technology-Enhanced Classroom outside of your regularly scheduled class time.

DON'T (hesitate to)

  • Request training in a TEC room by clicking this link (FSUID Login Required).
  • Contact Classroom Support with your questions, feedback or requests for help, by phone (850)644-2811, or by e-mail.
  • Double-click the exclamation icon on your computer's desktop so Classroom Support can respond to your need. Click "Yes" if you would like a response during your class. Otherwise, click "No" and the problem will be addressed before the next time your class meets.
  • Submit a software request (FSUID Login Required) to be installed on the computer you teach with in a TEC room. You can do this by clicking here.
  • Contact Classroom Support if the door to your classroom is locked 30 minutes or less before your class is scheduled to begin.